Then, move your king two spaces and move your rook directly to the king's right in one move. Clear the queen, queen's knight, and queen's bishop out of their starting squares. Finally, you cannot castle if your king will cross through a square that would put your king into check, even if that square is not the destination square. You cannot make any move that puts your king into check, including castling, but you also cannot castle if you are currently in check.
Move the c2 pawn up 2 squares (c2-c4), then follow with the g2 pawn (g2-g3) to free your king's bishop (if Black moves to the center) or the queen's knight, (if Black moves along the sides). The English Opening is a slow, adaptable opening.Finish by pushing your king's bishop all the way until it is one space in front of the opponent's pawn. Move your king's pawn up two spaces, then your knight up f3 (as White). The Ruy Lopez is a classic opening to get bishops out and attacking.
The best way for a beginner to learn how to plan ahead is to practice some common openings: Your first move is about setting up the rest of the game, leading to your first attack or controlling certain sections of the board. To win at chess, you need to be constantly thinking a few moves in advance, setting up longer, more complicated attacks to outfox your opponent. Think 4-5 moves in advance, using each move to set up more complicated attacks. Keeping these principles in mind, check out the list of opening moves used by Grandmasters at modern tournaments.Many beginners make the mistake of moving their queen out early, but this can leave your queen vulnerable to attack, causing you to have to move it again and lose a tempo. Try not to move the queen out too early.The goal of a good opening is to develop your major pieces efficiently, and moving too many pawns can give your opponent a tempo advantage. The more pieces you move, the more your opponent needs to react to you. Never move the same piece twice unless it could get in trouble and be taken.Black should hold back and wait a bit more, letting White expose themselves with a mistake before attacking. Since White moves first, you'll want to move in on the attack and try and control the game. Your opening moves will also be dependent on whether you are Black or White.This formation allows you to develop bishops, increases castling speed, and forms a defensive but less offensive fortress with the right moves.

The most common yet very efficient path would be to move the king's pawn 2 spaces forward (e4 for White, e5 for Black) and then the queen's pawn forward 2 spaces (d4 for White, d5 for Black), if it is not at risk after the opponent makes their move. Move your pawns toward the center of the board while opening up your stronger pieces for easy movement.There are several key considerations in a good opening: Your goal in the opening is to develop or move off the starting squares as many strong pieces as possible. Chess openings are the first 10-12 moves in the game, and they will determine your general strategy and positioning for the entire match.

Understand the goals of a good opening move.